The Innovative Training Network “Economic Policy in Complex Environments” is pleased to announce the International EPOC Doctoral Workshop. The event will take place at Ca’Foscari University of Venice on March 7th and 8th 2024.

The workshop aims at bringing together promising young scholars working on topics related to economic policy in complex environments. The call is open to doctoral candidates and recent graduates (who received the title in 2023) in economics or related disciplines. We welcome both theoretical and empirical contributions on, but not limited to, the following topics:

  • Heterogeneous and adaptive expectations
  • Network theory and social networks
  • Agent-based simulation and estimation
  • Behavioural economics
  • Advanced methods for statistical inference
  • Climate change mitigation and adaptation
  • Low carbon transition
  • Innovation policy
  • Global value chains
  • Environmental economics
When submitting, authors will be asked to select a topic area that best fits their work (multiple choice possible):

1. Methodological Advances
2. Climate Policy
3. Innovation Policy
4. Others.

Applicants can apply by filling out the submission form and upload an extended abstract according to the provided guidelines. Submissions will be evaluated by a scientific committee.
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